Airbus A320 Now Available Summer 16

Airbus A320 Now Available Summer 16
Titan Airways now have Airbus A320 availability for summer 2016 for all your mid to long term wet/damp lease requirements.
At Titan Airways we have a great deal of experience in providing airlines - ranging from national flag carriers to low-cost operators - with aircraft for short, medium and long term wet or damp lease, whenever additional coverage is required.
We pride ourselves on seamlessly placing aircraft into route networks and, in the case of wet lease, delivering a parallel in-flight service.
Configured with 180 seats, Titan Airways A320 is available for lease from early April for summer 16 and beyond.
The aircraft’s modern cabin is upholstered in pale grey leather for a bright, airy fee and features our new in-flight entertainment system which enables passengers to stream digital content to their own Portable Entertainment Devices.
For full details and to secure the aircraft over the peak summer months, simply contact us on either +44 (0) 1279 680616 or Our team of specialists will be happy to help.
Titan Airways is registered under the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) programme.