Bahrain International Airport’s commitment to sustainability spotlighted with ACI Asia-Pacific Green Airports Recognition 2022

Bahrain International Airport (BIA) was acknowledged by Airports Council International (ACI) Asia-Pacific as one of only 12 airports in Asia-Pacific and the Middle East to receive the Green Airports Recognition 2022 award for airports serving 5 to 15 million passengers. BIA was presented with the Silver level recognition for its overall efforts to minimize its impact on the environment and for demonstrating exceptional best practices in its decarbonization journey.
The Green Airports Recognition initiative promotes environmental best practices and acknowledges ACI Asia-Pacific airport members with outstanding accomplishments in their environmental projects. Each year, a different environmental aspect is chosen as the theme. This year was Carbon Management in line with global industry goals to reduce carbon emissions and attain net-zero status by 2050.
Bahrain Airport Company Chief Development and Technical Officer Abdulla Janahi said: “We are pleased to be recognized for the efforts made in support of global aspiration to create a cleaner and more sustainable future. Tackling climate change is a pressing challenge, and by making choices that have less harmful effects on the environment, the aviation ecosystem can be part of the solution and influence change.
He added: “Bahrain Airport Company is committed to operating BIA as an environmentally friendly and efficient facility. Through the Airport Modernization Program (AMP), we have made significant improvements that minimize the airport’s environmental impact. We continue working to further reduce carbon emissions in line with global aviation goals and the Bahrain government’s strategy to reach net zero emissions by 2060.”
The AMP’s sustainability goals are in line with the objectives of the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP). Set by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Bahrain, the NEEAP aims to conserve resources and reflects the Kingdom’s efforts to deliver the sustainable energy transition outlined in its Economic Vision 2030. One of its main goals is to reduce Bahrain’s energy consumption by 6 percent by 2025. BIA is the largest green building in Bahrain and will play a vital role in achieving this objective.