iGA Istanbul Airport Published Its Sustainability Report

Having published its 2021-2022 Sustainability Report, iGA Istanbul Airport continues to move forward in line with its Sustainable Mobility strategy.
According to the "Net Zero" roadmap, iGA Istanbul Airport concluded 2022 with 13% fewer emissions. A 21% drop in emissions was observed in 2022 compared to 2019 (baseline).
It is expected that Scope 1 and 2 emissions will be reduced by 23% by 2025, and we are developing projects to reduce Scope 3 emissions, which are those produced by the airport stakeholders.
In addition, iGA Istanbul Airport met 35% of its water consumption through reclaimed water, and the solid waste recycling ratio was increased from 31% to 34% in 2022.
With the motto ""Focus on the Planet, Target for the Future!"," iGA Istanbul Airport, placing sustainability at the heart of all of its activities, has published the 2021-2022 Sustainability Report, a reflection of its 'sustainable strategy' resonating with the future of mobility, environmental integrity, and social benefit.
Acting with a sense of responsibility towards future generations, iGA Istanbul Airport conducts its activities with a responsible consumption and management approach. The report shares in detail the airport's practices, achievements and future targets in line with this approach.
UN Sustainable Development Goals are supported
iGA Istanbul Airport, with its focus on human life and a respect for the environment and society, continues to work with all its stakeholders to leave a more livable world for future generations, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The report also outlines the main features of iGA Istanbul Airport's sustainability planning, including its 2030 goals, which are integral to creating a fairer, healthier, and more sustainable world, as well as its endeavours within the mobility sector.
Steps taken for the future of mobility
iGA Istanbul Airport's efforts for the future of mobility and its achievements in the aviation industry continued to be rewarded by leading international organisations during this period. iGA Istanbul Airport, which was selected as the World's Busiest Airport for three consecutive years, has also been named World's Best Airport by the readers of Condé Nast Traveler.
iGA Istanbul Airport won the Accessibility Enhancement Accreditation award, which was presented for the first time with the "Accessible Airport" concept by ACI in 2022. With the iGA HUB established in cooperation with İTÜ Çekirdek, innovative entrepreneurship ideas based on aviation, digitalisation, and sustainability, have started to be supported in collaboration with the Regional Training Partnership agreement signed with the International Air Transportation Association, and the Global Training Agreement - Training Centre Accreditation agreement, signed with Airports Council International (ACI).
Focus: Protecting the integrity of the environment
Focusing on protecting the integrity of the environment, iGA Istanbul Airport received the Eco-Innovation Award from ACI for its Big Data Management and Internet of Things studies on energy and operational efficiency. According to the 2050 Net Zero Emissions Target and the Net Zero roadmap under the IPCC 1.5°C objectives, iGA concluded 2022 with 13% fewer emissions compared to the previous year, and 21% fewer emissions compared to 2019, in line with its 2050 Net Zero Emissions target. It is expected that Scope 1 and 2 emissions will be reduced by 23% by 2025, and we are developing projects to reduce Scope 3 emissions, which are those produced by the airport stakeholders. In addition, iGA Istanbul Airport met 35% of its water consumption through reclaimed water, and the solid waste recycling ratio was increased from 31% to 34% in 2022.
Fulfilling the requirements of the Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) Programme, iGA Istanbul Airport has been awarded the carbon accreditation certificate, clearly demonstrating its commitment to combatting climate change. In 2022, as a result of the carbon footprint management and reduction activities conducted within the framework of its sustainability policy, iGA succeeded in improving its certification level from Level 1 to Level 3 within a short period of time under this same programme.
In the CDP Climate Change Programme which ensures that investors around the world have high-quality information about the sustainability risks and opportunities that affect companies; iGA received an A- score from the Türkiye Climate Change programme, becoming one of the 15 leading companies in Türkiye.
The SROI report measuring the impact of community investments was published
Another important development in 2022 within the scope of iGA Istanbul Airport's sustainability activities was the publication of the Social Return on Investment- SROI Report. Results of the analysis revealed that every TRY 1 invested in the Social Investment Programme creates a social impact of TRY 5.6 for the stakeholders in the programme. With the analysis accredited by Social Value International (SVI); iGA Istanbul Airport, proud to have achieved one of the most comprehensive impact measurements in the private sector, aims to continue to measure the added value and social impact it provides with its activities in the coming periods. iGA Istanbul Airport also won the World's Most Family Friendly Airport and Best Airport Shopping Experience awards at the 2022 World Airport Awards.
“iGA is determined to lead the way in sustainable mobility…”
Evaluating the Report, which includes sustainability practices, Kadri Samsunlu, CEO of iGA Istanbul Airport, drew attention to the fact that the sustainability transformation is both complex and urgent. He went on to express the following viewpoints:
"With our philosophy focused on adding value to society, sustainability has always been a top priority at iGA. 2022 marked a year where we advanced our efforts and took our sustainability journey to new heights.
We measured our sustainability impacts, engaged in long-term planning, and restructured our goals and our sustainability management system. Within the scope of our 2030 plan, we have established a team of representatives and consultants from all departments within the organisation to define our sustainability vision and goals.
With the motto, "Focus on the Planet, Target for the Future!' we set out to work towards bringing the mobility methods of the future to the present by focusing on the benefits of technology for people and the environment, to ensure a comfortable and safe journey for all our guests at this meeting point of diverse cultures. As a global player, iGA is determined to lead the way in making mobility services sustainable. Indeed, our stakeholders' contribution has a significant role during this transition."