Face Boarding, the facial recognition system, has arrived at Milano Linate. Queues for security checks and boarding are cut.

SEA Milan Airports Face Boarding, the experimental project that allows Mi-lano Linate passengers to undergo security checks and boarding procedures using an innovative facial recognition system, has been operational since 13 February.
With this new safe, simple and fast technology, you no longer need to show your ID and boarding pass during check-in and boarding procedures. Thanks to a multimedia device that detects the biometric characteristics of passengers' faces and electronically acquires the information contained in their passports and boarding passes, passengers only need to show their faces and go on to the boarding gate without having to queue.
The use of this technology, made possible thanks to the collaboration of Enac and the State Police, will allow passengers to use a fast and preferential lane for security checks and boarding gates making the procedures inside the airport smoother and more efficient and improving passengers' experiences.
The Face Boarding project will be in an experimental phase until 31 December 2020. During this period, on Alitalia flights on the Milano Linate-Rome Fiumicino route only, passengers who already qualify for the fast-track, who are over 18 years of age and have a boarding pass and electronic document (passport or electronic identity card issued after 1 January 2017) will be able to access the procedure.
Travellers will be offered the possibility to accept the biometric check on a voluntary basis.
No photos are stored. The system temporarily detects only biometric facial contours which are used for passenger recognition. This system allows you to use dedicated lanes, simplifying the whole process of departure at the airport.
For full details on how to use Face Boarding: https://www.milanolinate-airport.com/en/flights/face-boarding