Digital, Milanese Style

Milano presents its “model for the analysis of benefits brought by digital”.
It is a tool that makes tangible the benefits that can accrue to citizens because of digital transformation in public administration.
The model is divided into three steps: data collection and identification of the industries and activities impacted by digital, comparison between analog and digital processes, and the calculation of resulting benefits.
The benefits obtained are summarized according to six indicators, three of which are specific to public administrations and three to individuals making use of their services, so that the double effect that digitization has in terms of improving the efficiency of the organizational structure of local government and improving the quality of service offered to residents becomes immediately apparent.
In fact, the Milano Metro Area is a digital industrial district in its own right.
The Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Monza Brianza and Lodi recently released significant data on the growth of digital industries in the metropolitan area: + 4.4% in the number of active companies, + 4.5% in terms of employees. Milan with the surrounding metropolitan region is a full-fledged digital district with almost 16,500 companies active in e-commerce, software production, IT consulting, telecommunications and web services. Offsetting an average employment loss of -2.2%, the digital industries of the Milano area actually added jobs (+4.5%), reaching the level of almost 180,000 employees at the end of 2020.
The sector, driven by e-commerce and software development, generated 46 billion euros in revenues and sees a greater presence of young people and women than other industries.
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