The magazine Science ranks Milano State University among the top 5 in the world for Covid research

Statale, Poli, Bocconi: last week, Milano's universities were cited in international media for the quality of their research on post-covid scenarios. In particular, Science has ranked Milano State University (colloquially known as la Statale) as fifth in the world for medical and pharmacological research on SARS-CoV-2, only surpassed by two academic institutions of Wuhan, Huazhong University and Tongji Medical College, Harvard University, and INSERM, the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research. The studies made by the researchers of Statale concern the evolution of the virus and the immune response it triggers, the development of specific drugs with the aim of treating the virus and slow down the pandemic, to the immediate benefit of the inhabitants of Milan, the first metropolis in Europe which had to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic.
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