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Tulcea Airport

  • Type: Under 1 Million

Tulcea County Council and ”Danube Delta” Tulcea Airport announce the launch of the procurement procedure through public selection of state aid offerings for the opening of new air routes from Airport ”Danube Delta” Tulcea

The state aid at start-up is granted on the basis of the aid scheme approved by European Commission Decision C (2017) 7511 final - State Aid SA.48345 (2017 / N) - Romania - Training aid scheme for routes from Tulcea Airport.

Object and duration of the contracts: The object of the contracts to be concluded is the accomplishment by the air carrier of air passenger services on the route / routes for which the state aid is established by the buyer. The contracts will be concluded for a maximum period of 3 (three) years.

Types of services, quantities and technical specifications: Provision of air passenger services on the route / routes for which state aid is granted at the start of the contract, in the contractual period established with the buyer, Tulcea County Council, and in accordance with the specifications of the Tender Specifications for the bidders. State aid will be granted for the following procedure:

The consideration of state aid will be for Routes to -
Creation, promotion and development of air links between Tulcea Airport and the following destinations within the European Union:

Destination                                Maximum Frequencies
Milano/ Italy                                2 frequencies/ week
Madrid/ Spain                             2 frequencies/ week
Barcelona/ Spain                        2 frequencies/ week
London/ United Kingdom         2 frequencies/ week
Frankfurt/ Germany                   2 frequencies/ week
Paris/ France                               2 frequencies/ week

Submission of tenders: 
The tender and annexed documents will be prepared in accordance with the tender specifications and will be presented both in Romanian and English. Bids will be deposited in a sealed envelope, indicating the full name of the applicant in order to prevent any possible confusion. The envelope must be marked: Offer to open new destinations - Destination - Do not open before 18.11.2019, "Procedure for the public selection of tenders for the granting of state aid at start-up for the opening of new air routes from Danube Delta Tulcea Airport: Route name ... "

Tenders shall be submitted to: COUNTY COUNCIL of Tulcea, from Monday to Thursday between 08:00 and 16:00 L. T. and on Friday between 08:00 and 12:00 L. T., or sent by mail to COUNTY COUNCIL of Tulcea, 20 Pacii Street, postal code 820033, Tulcea, Romania, no later than 15.11.2019, at 12:00

Opening of tenders: The submitted offers will be opened at the premises of the buyer, County Council of Tulcea, 20 Păcii str., Postal code; 820033 Tulcea, Romania, on 18.11.2019, at 12:00

Further information can be obtained from the County Council of Tulcea, 20 Pacii str., Postal code; 820033 Tulcea, Romania, contact person Nicoleta ANTON, tel + 40 240 502252, fax: +40 240 513071, e-mail: nicoleta.anton@cjtulcea.ro or from "Delta Dunarii" Tulcea Airport, Road Tulcea – Constanta, Km. 15, Tulcea, contact person Stoian VÂLCU, tel: +40757014080, patrimoniu@aeroportul-tulcea.ro

Any request for clarification regarding this selection of tenders must be submitted in writing by the tenderers, by fax or e-mail, to the addresses and contact details of the above-mentioned contact persons.

To see the document in full and further information please click below.
Aeroportul Tulcea, Romania - click here
Consiliul Judeţean Tulcea - click here