Royal Schiphol Group strengthens management structure with the formation of an Executive Team

As of 1 February, Royal Schiphol Group (RSG) will change the management structure of its own organisation. The current board of directors (DT) will be transformed into a broader operational Executive Team that is responsible for managing the company. This does not affect the statutory final responsibility of the DT as it is currently formed by Ruud Sondag (CEO) and Robert Carsouw (CFO).
In response to the operational crisis at Schiphol between May and September 2022, Schiphol has evaluated how it prepared for and responded to the rapid growth in passenger volumes, the situation regarding the assets (including buildings, infrastructure, equipment) and the staff shortages. In addition to the already taken operational measures on various topics, the top structure of the organization is now also being adjusted.
“With this change in management, there will be a more direct and integrated management of the most important operational responsibilities. This requires a team with extra expertise and a hands-on orientation. Due to the broad composition of the ET, Schiphol Group's business operations will be strengthened and the strategic agenda can be better achieved.''
Ruud Sondag, CEO Royal Schiphol Group„
From 1 February, the Executive Team of Royal Schiphol Group consists of Ruud Sondag (CEO), Robert Carsouw (CFO), Patricia Vitalis (Operations), Sybren Hahn (Asset Management), Arthur Reijnhart (Commercial) and Esmé Valk (HR).