Traffic development at AMS - July figures

More than 5.6 million passengers flew from, via or to Schiphol in June 2023. That is an increase compared to 2022 (+8%) and 2021 (+238%). The amount of flights to and from Schiphol was 38.912. That also is an increase compared to 2022 (+5%) and 2021 (+103%)
Of the more than 5.6 million passengers in June, more than 2 million passengers had a transfer at Schiphol. The passengers with a transfer were around 1 million unique passengers, who are counted two times in the international counting method: as an arriving passenger and departing passenger. More than 4 million passengers travelled from or to a destination within Europe (+5% compared to 2022), around 1.6 million outside of Europe (+16% compared to 2022).
The number of flights to and from Schiphol was 38,912 in June 2023. This is an increase compared to 2022 (+5%), 2021 (+103%) and 2020 (+379%). Of the 38,912 flights, 31,683 went to European destinations and 7,229 to intercontinental destinations.
The number of all-cargo flights has decreased from 1,467 to 1,337, compared to 2022. The total transported volume was 112,994 tonnes in June 2023.