YTD, +2mio PAX above 2019 , Athens new traffic record (so far)!

A significant milestone achieved at Athens with record traffic growth, with more than 2mio additional passengers to 2019.
Athens International Airport recorded strong growth in passenger volumes from 2014 onwards, reaching 25.56mio in 2019, recording a growth of 104% (2014 to 2019).
2019 was Athens previous record in PAX traffic.
BUT, it seems now that this record has been beaten! Up to 19/10/2023 more than 2mio additional PAX to 2019 travelled to/from Athens.
Based on ACI-Europe data, Athens recorded the 3rd best recovery rate in 2022 amongst all capital and major airports in Europe.
Now and up to September 2023, ACI-Europe data reveals that Athens is the 2nd fastest growing Capital and Major airport in Europe.
As other airports in Europe are yet to fully recover to 2019 levels, Athens is one in few airports that already surpassed 2019 and further growth is expected in the remaining months of 2023.
A big thank you to all our 66 partner airlines at Athens, that are driving this spectacular growth !!