Aruba Airport thanked its valued partners for 2017

During the “Glow” themed Relations Party
Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) recently held its annual Relations Party and used the opportunity to say thank you to all of its partners for continuing to make the airport successful. It takes many people and many different organizations to manage the day to day complexities of running an airport operation, and 2017 was no exception.
The “Glow” themed event was held in the Grand Ballroom of Aruba Marriott, and during the festivities, 3 unique awards were handed out on behalf of AAA to highlight outstanding performances in 2017:
COPA Airlines received the “On-Time-Performance Award” from AAA COO Mr. Jurgen Benschop and AAA CEO Mr. James Fazio as the airline with the best on time performance record (89.5%) for 2017. Close in the same race were KLM (84.3%) and Southwest Airlines (81%).
The “Airline Award” was given by AAA Air Service Development Manager Ms. Jo-Anne Arends together with AAA CEO Mr. James Fazio to JetBlue. United and Delta were also close in this race, but JetBlue managed to book an impressive performance of 43% increase in passenger growth for a total of 62,111 additional passengers. In addition JetBlue added an important strategic daily nonstop service to their destinations, expanded their MINT service and the leading carrier in terms of revenue generating passengers (market share 15%).
De Wit & Van Dorp – Souvenirs & Toys received the “Concession Award” from AAA Commerce Manager Mr. Marc Figaroa together with AAA CEO Mr. James Fazio. Close in the race for this award were Colombian Emeralds International and One Happy Bar, but De Wit & Van Dorp stood out for their compliance with airport in terms of operations and financials, the increase in the amount spent per passenger, for its concession increase of 10% compared to the year before and their sales increase of 7.1%. They have also successfully completed the Customer Service Training provided by AAA and had a great Overall performance in every aspect of the business.
“Aruba’s largest-ever public infrastructure project is about to take off, and we have the technical expertise, and the financial means to do it, and our entire team is super excited about all of it. It will no doubt be challenging, but we have absolute confidence that when we’re done - it will be one of the most modern, safest, and efficient airports in the Caribbean; and an airport that all of Aruba will be proud of. And it’s worthy to point out, that every one of our relations will be part of it. We’re committed to doing it together, and we know we have your support and confidence. Congratulations to our award winners and to everyone for a great 2017”, said AAA CEO Mr. James Fazio during his speech.