Renovation of runway 07L/25R at Brussels Airport during the summer holiday

From 13 July to 23 August, Brussels Airport will be renovating runway 07L/25R under strict observance of COVID-19 measures. The extensive renovation of this take-off and landing runway is necessary to continue to guarantee safe air traffic in the future.
After extensive renovation works on runways 07R/25L in 2015 and 01/19 in 2016, Brussels Airport will be renovating the airport’s most important take-off and landing runway in July and August, runway 07L/25R. The renovation works are planned from 13 July to 23 August with preliminary works from 8 to 13 July. As announced in September last year, works will be carried out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to limit the duration of the runway closure and the impact of the renovation works.
In view of the current limited volume of flights at the airport, an earlier start of the renovation works has been considered. This is not possible due to the impact of COVID-19 measures on the availability of human and material resources. The renovation works will, therefore, take place as planned last year. Brussels Airport will also continue to closely follow government COVID-19 measures to mitigate the impact on the progress of the project.
During the renovation works, it will not be possible to use runway 07L/25R for air traffic and runway use will be different from that under normal circumstances.
Runway use during the works
For runway use, air traffic controller skeyes will follow the instructions of the Aviation Directorate General specifically laid down for the works as well as the usual parameters, such as the preferential runway use determined by the federal government, the availability of take-off and landing runways and taxiways, weather conditions and traffic intensity. Air traffic safety is a key priority at all times.
Since runway 07L/25R is closed for air traffic, the Belgian Civil Aviation Authority DGLV/DGTA, after a thorough investigation, has decided on the alternative runway configuration that has to be preferably used. In conformity with DGLV/DGTA’s guideline, it has been provided that – if the above-mentioned conditions allow for it – runway 19 will preferably be used for take-off and landing,
Runway 25L can exceptionally be used for landings, but this depends on the previously mentioned parameters where especially weather conditions and traffic intensity play a role.
The only exception to the above-mentioned adjusted runway use is on Saturday night between 23:00 and 5:59 where the preferential runway use in normal circumstances (departures and landings on runway 25L) can be respected, again if the previously mentioned parameters allow it.
You can find more information on real-time runway use on