Curaçao Airport Partners N.V. gladly extends full cooperation for Medical Test Area

A project led by The Ministry of Health and executed by ADC laboratory
Willemstad, January 28, 2021 ̶ Curacao Airport Partners N.V. (CAP) gladly informs of its collaboration given to the Ministry of Health in its continuous efforts to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, by making its facilities available for the setup of a Medical Test Area for arriving passengers at the Curaçao International Airport, as of Friday, January 29, 2021.
As the developments around Covid-19 continue to be of concern worldwide, the Government of Curaçao, in this respect, the Ministry of Health, requested the collaboration of CAP for the installation of a Medical Test Area at the Curaçao Airport. This area provides medical support to all arriving passengers who for one or other reason may not have all their documents in place as related to their PCR test to be able to enter our island.
The team of ADC, which is the laboratory chosen by the Ministry to run this Medical Test Area, will provide support on the spot to all passengers in need, and by this means ensure that the guidelines for arriving passengers can continue to be implemented while assisting our visitors the best way possible during these uncertain times.
CAP is glad to be of support and has made the necessary adaptations to the operations in the Immigration Hall to ensure the suitability of the area and process through which the passenger can be guided to this location within our premises. The safety and health of our airport community and island as a whole is the number one priority of CAP and thus, CAP will continue to be of support for any initiative to safeguard us all.
More in detail information regarding this Medical Test Area is available via the project leaders which are the Ministry of Health (GMN) and ADC Laboratory.
On the picture from left to right:
Mr. Paulo Mazzali - co-CEO CAP
Dr. Alcalá - Epidemiology & Research Unit, Ministry of Health of Curaçao
Dr. Izzy Gerstenbluth - Epidemiology & Research Unit, Ministry of Health of Curaçao
Mr. Josiah Arndell - Coordinator Airside Operations