Successful conclusion of weeklong Aircraft Recovery training at CUR

Safety and Security remain a top priority for the airport and its key partners.
Willemstad, September 20, 2023 – CUR | Curaçao International Airport proudly concluded a weeklong Aircraft Recovery Training, which took place from Monday September 11 to Friday, September 15, with a group consisting of employees, airport community members and key partners. Each participant received valuable information to enrich their knowledge on this critical aspect of the aviation safety and overall operations.
Aircraft Recovery Training addresses the process of safely bringing an aircraft back to the ground or water surface in the event of an emergency or malfunction. The level of preparation for such a situation is an utmost important and crucial aspect of the operations as it concerns foremost to ensure the safety of passengers and crew on board during such an event.
Mr. Michael Hoehenberger, COO of Curaçao Airport Partners (CAP), indicated: “Swift and effective aircraft recovery procedures can help prevent catastrophic crashes that can lead to loss of life, prevent secondary damage to aircraft and property damage, as well as environmental disasters.”
A group of twenty participants received theoretical training for four days and went out into the field on the last day for the practical part of the training. This intensive weeklong training was provided by an expert in the field, Mr. John Olsen of the company RESQTEC.
RESQTEC has extensive experience within the industry and was able to train key members of the operation during an eventual situation. The number of stakeholders involved during such a possible event is extensive. Internal and external parties all would need to align and communicate effectively under stressful circumstances. Proper preparation and coordination are key for seamless execution of guidelines and procedures when/if necessary.
“We continuously hold safety and security training with even an annual week dedicated to this topic. We do not underestimate the importance of proper Aircraft Recovery preparedness and have called in the support of a renowned company to assist in providing even more training to our team members.”, Mr. Hoehenberger continued.
CAP emphasizes on its commitment of strengthening the internal Aircraft Recovery procedures including having the necessary equipment in place as giving the necessary attention to this aspect reinforces public trust and is part of the regulatory compliance. Effective recovery procedures and well-trained personnel in all aspects of the daily operations are essential for preventing accidents, saving lives, and preserving valuable assets.