CAP’s Safety & Security Week 2023 a grand success

Willemstad, October 30, 2023 - Curaçao Airport Partners (CAP) looks back with great satisfaction on yet another successful Safety & Security week with the theme ‘Safety Culture, Innovation and Security’. Engaging sessions, presentations, and meetings on the area of aviation safety & security were provided to the entire airport community, therewith enhancing, and expanding their knowledge on this key element of the airport’s daily operations.
CAP’s 2nd annual Safety & Security week, which was held from Monday, October 23rd through Friday, 27th, with the official opening at PWFC on Monday, counted with the presence of Minister of Traffic, Transportation and Urban Planning, Mr. Charles Cooper, as well as Minister of Economic Development, Mr. Ruisandro Cijntje, amongst various Stakeholders in the industry and members of the press.
The entire program on the first three days was created with focus on the newest developments on this topic and therefore key players in the industry from ICAO NACC, FAA and a representative of Jet Blue were invited to take part to bring their valuable perspective, insights, and expertise to the team. Safety and security concern all areas in and around the airport and thus the extensive program consisted of various presentations, panels, workshops, live demos, and many more interactive learning and sharing activities.
“Making sure the teams are up to date on this aspect is key, not only for the personnel working at the facilities, but equally important for passengers and visitors. This is an important part of the travel experience of all passengers departing, arriving, or getting a connecting flight at CUR. The main goal remains to promote healthy and safe work practices and consequently a safer environment for all”, said Michael Hoehenberger, COO of CAP, operator of CUR.
A newly introduced ‘Safety Market’ was held on the Airport Boulevard on Thursday. A lively market consisting of different stands, where valuable information regarding personal health and wellbeing, an element crucial to safe practices on the work floor, was provided to the entire Airport Community.
The week was concluded with the highly anticipated FOD Walk early morning on Friday. During the FOD Walk, which is a favorite recurring event for years already, all employees and stakeholders of the Airport got together to help scan and clean the entire runway to remove FOD (any garbage/debris which may be a hazard for the safety of airplanes and vehicles on site). This event was also well visited by guests such as Minister Cijntje, Parliament member Mr. Mercelina, the media, and stakeholders at the airport. Unfortunately, Minister Cooper was abroad and could not attend like he gladly did last year. Link to after video FOD Walk:
“We are very satisfied with this edition of the Safety & Security Week. Starting from the opening on Monday to the FOD walk on Friday, it has been an amazing experience. Our entire airport community has been excited and engaged through the entire week and that gives us a feeling of satisfaction on a job well done. We set a goal; to reach the goal we need to work together. Investing in expanding the knowledge of our people is extremely important for the path we are on. I am proud of what we have accomplished this week and just as everyone else, already look forward to the next edition”, Mr. Hoehenberger continued.