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Cork Airport

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Resurgence in passenger growth at Cork Airport with 8% increase

• 1.3 million passengers have already taken off from Ireland’s fastest growing airport in first seven months • Cork Airport shortlisted for prestigious international award

Tuesday, 2nd August 2016: Cork Airport has experienced a resurgence in passenger growth this year as numbers have increased by 8%. The growth has meant that an extra 97,000 passengers have already used the airport since January bringing total numbers to-date to 1.3 million.

Kevin Cullinane, Head of Communications at Cork Airport has said the increase in passenger numbers has been down to hard work and determination: “Over the last number of months, we have welcomed new routes, new airlines and additional capacity on our most popular routes. This has resulted in the figures we are seeing today and expect the upward trend to continue. Developing new routes can be a time consuming process that requires a lot of work to demonstrate the potential of the region for inbound visitors as well as identifying the outbound market; but it does deliver real growth.

“We are on track for our most successful year in some time, making us Ireland’s fastest growing airport with the best choice of destinations outside of Dublin,” he added.

There has also been further good news for Cork Airport as it has been shortlisted for the 2016 World Routes Marketing Awards in the “Under 4 Million Passengers” category. In 2015, the airport was Highly Commended in the same category at the World Routes conference in Durban, South Africa.

Daragh Hanratty, Head of Aviation Marketing at Cork Airport said: ““We are delighted to be nominated for this award by our airline customers. This is testimony to the hard work and endeavour of Cork Airport staff and the strong support from our local stakeholders”.

The prestigious World Routes Marketing Awards are judged by global airline network planning community. The category winner, and overall winner, will be announced during a ceremony at the World Routes conference on September 26 in Chengdu, China.