More than 4 million passengers in November

A total of 4.3 million passengers travelled through Avinor’s airports in November, which is an increase of 3.2 per cent compared to the same period last year.
All of Avinor’s largest airports saw increased traffic for the period. 2.2 million passengers went through Oslo Airport, which is 4 per cent more than for the same time last year. At Bergen Airport traffic increased by 5.6 per cent, while Trondheim had an increase of 2.1 per cent and Stavanger 2.8.
Variations at small airports
At Avinor’s smaller airports, changes to routes for individual destinations can make a major difference. In Namsos growth was a huge 40 per cent, and 4109 passengers travelled through the airport during the period.
“Changes to routes have made it more attractive for businesses in the area to use the service, especially to and from Oslo,” says airport director Geir Tore Buvarp at Namsos Airport.
International growth
In recent years growth in traffic has largely come from foreign passengers. In November the increases were most pronounced on the routes to and from Denmark, Poland, Great Britain, France and Germany.
Press contact number
Press service for journalists
Travellers are adviced to call our passenger service at +47 915 06 400
+47 918 15 614
Lasse André Vangstein
Communications Advisor / Press Spokesman Media Relations
+47 918 15 614