Hainan opens non-stop service between Avinor Oslo Airport and Beijing

History was made at Avinor Oslo Airport with the departure of Hainan Airlines. This is the first non-stop service between Norway’s main airport and the Chinese capital Beijing.
Hainan Airlines route HU770 departs from Oslo Airport with destination Beijing. (Photo: Avinor)
The Norwegian Ministers of Trade and Industry and Fisheries were present to mark the opening of the route at Avinor Oslo Airport.
“The direct route between China and Norway will be of great significance for Norwegian trade and industry, and for trade relations with China in general. It ties our countries closer together and opens for more collaboration and contact between Norwegian and Chinese trade and industry. Direct flights between Norway and China were something many people in business were concerned with when I took part in the state visit to China in the autumn,” says Minister of Trade and Industry, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H).
He is supported by the Airport Director at Avinor Oslo Airport, Øyvind Hasaas, who believes this is an important day for Norway, Norwegian trade and Norwegian aviation:
“This is excellent news for Norwegian travel, business and tourism. Hainan is a major international airline, and this will mean that even more Chinese tourists will have an opportunity to experience everything Norway has to offer,” he says.
Strengthens the relations between Norway and China
Hainan Airlines believes this route will have great significance for the relationship between Norway and China.
“The new route from Beijing to Oslo is the first direct route between China and Norway operated by Chinese five-star carrier Hainan Airlines. We are building a strong network between China and Europe and are very happy that we today have added Oslo to our network. This new route will certainly intensify relations between the two countries, thus stimulating the development of prosperous economic ties for China and Norway, as well as the Nordic region”, says Mr. BAO Qifa, Chairman, HNA Aviation Group.
Looking forward to showing off Oslo
Norway is the country in the Nordics with the highest proportion of Chinese tourists, and more and more Chinese are choosing Norway as a destination. Oslo’s own tourist organisation is very pleased with the direct route, and believes it will give the capital and the surrounding areas a boost:
“This is a good day for the tourist industry in Oslo. Direct routes are always welcome. We welcome the Chinese visitors – the country’s capital has plenty of interesting attractions on offer! And when they do come to Oslo on a holiday, we expect that they explore the city’s cultural offerings, eat well and go shopping,” says Christian Lunde, CEO of VisitOSLO.
Important for the seafood industry
In China demand for Norwegian seafood is great, and this route will also be important for delivering fresh Norwegian salmon to the Chinese market quickly and efficiently.
“This route affords even better opportunities for increased export of fresh Norwegian seafood to the Chinese market, where demand for high quality seafood is large and increasing. Because seafood consumption in China is greater than Norway’s entire annual production, the potential is huge,” says Ministry of Fisheries, Harald T. Nesvik (Frp).
It is expected that this route alone can transport Norwegian seafood worth around NOK 200 million every year.
The route between Beijing and Oslo Airport will be operated by an Airbus A330-300 with a capacity of 292 passengers, with 32 seats in business class and 260 seats in economy. Hainan Airlines has won the “SKYTRAX World’s 5-Star Airline Rating” eight years in a row, and will operate the route three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.