New Executive Vice President for Commercial Areas at AVINOR

Joachim Lupnaav Johnsen has been appointed new Executive Vice President of Commercial Affairs at Avinor.
The commercial area is separated as a separate department with a manager who is part of Avinor's group management.
Johnsen has extensive experience from the development of commercial organizations and various board positions, and in recent years has had the role of senior partner in Implement Consulting Group.
- Johnsen made a solid impression in the recruitment process, and his commitment and competence is a very good starting point for solving the tasks in Avinor. We are entering an exciting phase for the entire commercial area in the wake of the pandemic, and we also have major tendering processes underway, says Avinor's CEO, Dag Falk-Petersen.
- The opportunity to become part of Avinor and find new solutions for the commercial foundation of the company is both exciting and a formidable task. At the same time, I am humbled by the social mission and the work that Avinor has done to get to where the company stands today. I look forward to getting to know the organization even better and getting deeper into the business. Together we will find the best solutions for the future, says Johnsen.