High score for infection control at reputable Skytrax

Oslo Airport has been certified with four stars out of five possible by renowned Skytrax. - A very nice recognition of the extensive infection control work that has been discontinued, says airport director Stine Ramstad Westby.
In recent months, Skytrax has checked the protection of infection control at airports around Europe. In this connection, Oslo Airport has been certified with four stars. There are only two airports, Istanbul and Fuimicino in Rome, which have achieved five stars. Copenhagen gets four stars, while Arlanda is awarded three.
- Since March, we have worked intensively to put in place good infection control measures in the terminal. In addition, we have adapted operations on an ongoing basis to changed government requirements that have come at short notice. The collaboration between Avinor and the other partners at the airport has worked very well, and this award shows that we have done a lot right in this work, says Westby.
In Skytrax's assessment, Oslo Airport scores highly in most areas. However, there are some improvement points to be found in the cleaning category.
- Ensuring a good and safe journey through Avinor's airports is our main priority. It is the focus on the small details at all levels that together provides good infection control. We will continue to work closely with the Norwegian health authorities and our partners to improve and maintain good infection control also in the future, concludes Stine Ramstad Westby.