Novosibirsk International Airport became a partner of the World Snow Forum

Novosibirsk International Airport (Tolmachevo) became a partner of the World Snow Forum 2013
The forum is organized by the Novosibirsk Region Administration with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Russian Geographical Society, the major Russian and foreign research organizations and business communities in association with Novosibirsk Expocentre.
Participants of the forum including the world-famous scientists will discuss the possibilities of creating comfortable environment for human life in the northern city areas. The forum will be held from 17 to 20 January, 2013 in Novosibirsk Expocentre, the largest exhibition complex East of the Urals.
– No doubt, this significant international event with participation of the experts, journalists and foreign guests will have a positive effect on the solution of the key issues for the northern territories of our planet as well as the inbound tourism development and creation of an attractive resort image of Siberia abroad as well. The Novosibirsk airport is ready to serve its passengers – the forum participants, – commented Evgeniy Yankilevich, the General Director of JSC “Airport Tolmachevo”.
The programme of the World Snow Forum includes three main areas: international Congress “Ecology of Northern Territories”, international exhibitions “International Snow City Exhibition” and “International Snow Sports Exhibition”.
The Novosibirsk Airport (Tolmachevo) is the largest air hub east of the Urals operating on the major transit routes between Europe and Asia. The domestic airline capacity makes up 1 800 passengers per hour, on international flights – 750 passengers per hour. The airport has two runways. In 2012 it expects to serve 3.2 million passengers. The airport has been nominated for World Routes Awards in the category “The Best Airport of CIS 2012”.
World Snow Forum is an international forum hosted by Novosibirsk for the first time. The forum objectives: discussion of the best practices of creating comfortable environment and the northern areas’ development. Besides the scientific business block, the forum programme includes the following cultural events: “Snow Russian Ballet” that will take place in the biggest opera theatre in Europe – the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre, the beauty contest “Miss Snow Universe”, “World Snow Sculpture Competition” and other events.