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  • PAX: 16,353,522

The number of checked-in passengers has increased at Václav Havel Airport Prague year-on-year


11,149,926 passengers checked in at Václav Havel Airport Prague last year. This is a 1.6% increase in comparison with 2013 when nearly 11 million passengers walked through the airport gates. The trend of the last years has continued and the number of local passengers for whom Prague was the starting or final destination has risen. When compared to the previous year, the number increased by 5.68%, and thus broke the historic record of 2008.

In 2014, 54 airlines were flying to Prague with regular services to 119 destinations in total. Most passengers travelled to Great Britain, Germany, Russia, Italy and France. The airports where planes headed most frequently were Charles de Gaulle Paris Airport, Sheremetyevo Moscow Airport, Frankfurt, Amsterdam and Heathrow, London. Stansted Airport, London, has become a “Breakthrough Destination” among the destinations with the greatest increase in passengers.

The most passengers in one month walked through the airport in August when 1,263,559 passengers checked in. 17 August was a record-breaking day when 47,580 passengers checked in or out. Vaclav Havel Airport Prague checked in 30,548 passengers and 344 takeoffs and landings on average every day.