Construction commences on additional access taxiway on runway 16

The preliminary work for an additional access taxiway on runway 16 will commence on 15 October 2017 at the northern end of this runway. It will last until mid-December 2017. The main construction work will be carried out between April and October 2018.
From 15-16 October 2017, work will commence on the construction of an additional access taxiway on runway 16 at Zurich Airport, which will be around 200 metres in length. This will help to optimise lining up aircraft for take-off and therefore to improve punctuality. Preliminary work will be carried out in an initial step. This primarily involves excavation and installation work and will continue until around mid-December 2017. As the work will be carried out within protected areas that cannot be accessed during airport operating hours, some of it will have to be done at night. Some of the main construction work between April and October 2018 will also be carried out at night. Night-time work will be unavoidable during this time as well. Flughafen Zürich AG is implementing a number of measures in order to minimise construction noise immissions at night.