Zurich Airport welcomes its 30 millionth passenger

For the first time ever, more than 30 million passengers have passed through Zurich Airport in one year. Today a delegation from Flughafen Zürich AG welcomed the 30-millionth passenger of 2018 in person and presented him with a gift.
Today, the 30 millionth passenger travelled through Zurich Airport in 2018. CEO Stephan Widrig and Head of Ground Operations Ronny Roth welcomed the surprised passenger from Villars-sur-Glâne near Fribourg at Check in 1. He was travelling with his wife via Zurich Airport to Vienna.
This year, the number of passengers exceeded the 30-million mark for the first time. By way of comparison, last year 29.4 million passengers flew from, to or via Zurich Airport. This is equivalent to an average of 80,537 passengers a day. Stephan Widrig: “The demand for international mobility is constantly increasing, the population is growing and the world is becoming more and more international. As Switzerland’s gateway to the world, this is also noticeable at Zurich Airport.”