More than 31 million passengers for the first time

In 2018, 31.1 million passengers passed through Zurich Airport, corresponding to an increase of 5.8%. The number of flight movements was 3.0% higher than in 2017. Despite an increase in seat capacity and due to the use of larger aircraft, the seat load factor went up by 0.6 percentage points.
In 2018, Zurich Airport was host to a total of 31'113'488 passengers, representing a year-on-year increase of 5.8%.
The number of local passengers rose by 5.6% to 22 million in 2018. The transfer passenger share increased from 28.3% in 2017 to 28.4% in 2018 as the number of transfer passengers at Zurich Airport went up by 6.4% to 8.8 million.
The average number of passengers per flight rose from 124.3 to 127.2. This was supported by a 5.0% rise in seat supply and a 0.6 percentage point increase in seat load factor to 77.9%.
Overall, there were 278'458 flight movements at Zurich Airport in 2018, corresponding to an increase of 3.0% compared to previous year's figure.
There was a 0.6% increase in freight volume in 2018 versus 2017. During the year under review, a total of 493'222 tons of freight passed through Zurich Airport.