Zurich Airport – a review of a special year

An extraordinary year full of challenges and uncertainties is coming to an end. All the more important to reflect on the good things that happened this year and look positively into the future. We start with our review in a slightly unusual way, namely with the most recent event going backwards in time.
New districted opened at Zurich Airport
After a construction period of just over five years we opened the new district at Zurich Airport – THE CIRLCE. For long, it was Switzerland’s largest construction site. Now it has been transformed into a new district with two hotels and a congress center, a hospital, numerous shops, restaurants and headquarters for international companies. Enterprises and outlets such as Microsoft, SAP, Omega and Dufry already moved in and others will follow. Already in May we, Flughafen Zürich AG, moved into our new “Homebase”.
80,000m2 of green space at Zurich Airport
Together with the CIRCLE, a new recreational area has been created, a park accessible for the general public where visitors, employees, residents and passengers can meet and relax. The green space is a real enhancement for Zurich Airport. It is focusing on nature-related experiences and aims at a balance of the landscape.
Concession Agreement for the Noida Airport
In October the Indian governmental authority and Flughafen Zürich AG signed the concession agreement for the construction and operation of the second capital city airport in India. Already in November 2019 Flughafen Zürich AG was selected as the preferred bidder for the new Delhi Noida International Airport. The relevant concession for the construction and operation of this new airport, 80 kilometers south of Delhi in the Greater Noida Area, extends over a period of forty years.
Europe's best airport for the past 17 years
Zurich Airport has received the prestigious World Travel Award for the best airport in Europe for the 17th time in succession. In addition to customer satisfaction, the award reflects the quality standards achieved by products and services at and around Zurich Airport. Especially in these difficult times, the award is a great honour and recognition for the excellent cooperation between all airport partners.
Successful negotiations of airport fees
After intensive negotiations with its partners (the two biggest independent airlines, the Board of Airline Representatives, IATA, Business Aviation, General Aviation, Freight Forwarders), Flughafen Zurich AG has successful concluded a new frame work of tariffs, which should come in to effect as of April 01, 2021.
Commitment to ETH spinoff for CO2 reduction
Flughafen Zürich AG aims to cut its CO2 emissions to zero net by 2050. The coronavirus has not changed this plan. That is why the company entered into a partnership with the young high-tech enterprise Synhelion SA to support research and development work on synthetic fuels over the long term. The goal is to make these fuels available in sufficient quantities at market prices. The synthetic fuels from Synhelion's test facility will be used by Flughafen Zürich AG directly at the airport.
New passenger record in 2019
Before being hit by the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic Zurich Airport reported an encouraging result for the financial year 2019. With over 31.5 million people arriving, departing or transferring at Switzerland’s biggest airport, passenger figures reached a new record. Both aviation and non-aviation revenue increased in the reporting period 2019.
The Aviation Development Team from Zurich Airport wishes you and your family a joyful and relaxing festive season, good health and all the best for the New Year.
Stefan, Peter, Bettina, Rolf & Natalie
(from left to right on the picture)