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Covid-19 vaccination in Switzerland

The vaccination program against Covid-19 has been running in Switzerland since 4 January 2021. Until today, the two vaccines Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna have been approved. By the end of July 2021, all adults willing to be vaccinated should have received their first vaccine dose. The summary below gives you an overview of the current vaccination situation in Switzerland.

Vaccination progress
As of 18 April, 2.1mio vaccine doses have been administrated. Thereby, 8.89 of 100 people have been fully vaccinated. For comparison 6.62% of the population in Europe and 2.63% worldwide have been reported as fully vaccinated.

Vaccination costs & readiness
Vaccinations are voluntary in Switzerland and the cost of the Covid-19 vaccination is fully covered, respectively free of charge for all Swiss residents.

A representative study conducted in Switzerland mid-March 2021, shows a further increase in the willingness to be vaccinated among people living in Switzerland. While only 16% were willing to be vaccinated against Covid-19 in October last year, 44% wanted to be vaccinated immediately this March.

Vaccination goals
The Covid-19 vaccination strategy pursues the primary goal of reducing the number of severe cases and deaths, thereby also preventing the health care system from being overstrained. In addition to reducing negative health, psychological and social consequences, the aim is also to minimise the negative impacts on the economy.

Source: Federal Office of Public Health Switzerland

Source: Our World in Data