Porto Airport Celebrates 10 Million Passengers

For the first time Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (Porto Airport) surpassed 10 million passengers in a single year and, with consistent and progressive growth, has become an international reference airport, both in terms of infrastructure quality and quality of service provided to the passenger.
At the end of the third quarter of 2017, Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport recorded a growth of 16% in passenger traffic compared to the same period of 2016. This growth trend means that between the 6.3M passengers in 2013 and over 10M in 2017, the growth in this period is over 50%.
2017 was also marked by the capture of new airlines like Air France / KLM and Royal Air Maroc operating from Porto, and recorded in terms of air traffic development other important achievements such as the new route Porto - New York which will be operated by United Airlines from 2018.
These achievements reflect all the work of adapting to the needs of airlines and passengers, especially considering the huge area of influence of the Port Airport that encompasses a population of six million people, that is, the largest area of influence in Portugal and one of the largest in Europe.
In this context of celebration, it is also worth noting that Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport has been voted Best in Europe in the category of 5 to 15 million passengers. The distinction was attributed by the ACI - Airports Council International and comes within the framework of the Airport Service Quality (ASQ) study, the world's leading benchmarking program for assessing passenger satisfaction. The results of this study are based on the questionnaires filled out by the passengers, who thus transmit their opinion about 34 indicators, namely the services offered by airports regarding service, waiting times, courtesy of the staff, cleanliness of facilities and comfort.
In order to continue to guarantee these levels of excellence, the airport is currently working on some constructions, namely in extending the area of security control in the airport, which will allow to process more passengers maintaining the high level of service that Porto Airport passengers are already used to it. Is also underway the expansion of the road that will contribute to the final and permanent goal of growth and development of the Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport.
Nicolas Notebaert, CEO of VINCI Concessions and Chairman of VINCI Airports, expressed his pride in the results achieved by the Porto Airport, noting that "this airport is in the top 5 ranking of VINCI Airports, due to its size, growth, quality of service and variety of offer. "
Carlos Lacerda, President of the Executive Committee of ANA Aeroportos de Portugal, said that Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport "is an airport where we have installed capacity and that is why it is so relevant in our organization, knowing that in its growth there is a quick-win that isn’t just the airport and ANA / VINCI Airports, but especially the region and the country. "
The interventions in the event of the celebration of the 10 million passengers included also the participation of the Secretary of State for Infrastructures, Guilherme W. d'Oliveira Martins, the President of the Metropolitan Area of Porto, Eduardo Vítor Rodrigues, the President of the Porto City Council, Rui Moreira, and the Mayor of Maia, António da Silva Tiago.