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Aalborg Airport

  • Country/Region: Flag of Denmark Denmark
  • Telephone: + 45 60 29 69 01
  • Website: www.aal.dk
  • PAX: 1,462,507

Aalborg Airport Awarded as the Best Danish Airport

On October 2, 2019, Aalborg Airport was awarded as Denmark's best airport at the annual Danish Travel Awards in Copenhagen.

Wednesday evening, October 2, 2019, the annual Danish Travel Awards was held at the Circus Building in Copenhagen, where frontrunners from the travel industry competed in 20 different categories. One of the categories was "Best Danish Airport", where Aalborg Airport ran with the victory ahead of Copenhagen Airport and Billund Airport.

Standby.dk, the travel website, is behind the award show, which has been held for the past 24 years. The panel of judges does not consist of industry professionals, but the analysis institute Epinion's "Danmarkspanel", where 2,600 people from all over Denmark have been interviewed. This year there was a special emphasis on quality – with everything from routes and security to restaurants and lounges at the airports.

"We are very proud at Aalborg Airport to be awarded as the best Danish airport, and this is a huge recognition from the Danish travelers. There are two things that really matter to the passengers and the reason why people from all over Jutland travel from Aalborg. The first thing is the free car parking, which is a great asset, but the most important thing is our staff, who with a smile and kindness provide a remarkably good customer service every single day", says CEO Søren Svendsen.