Queen Alia International Airport Sets New Records in Dec 2016!

December 2016
In 2016, Queen Alia International Airport (QAIA) welcomed 7,410,274 passengers, setting a new record for annual passenger trafic. The Airport witnessed a 4.4% increase in PAX in comparaison to the previous year. Aircraft movement (ACM) figures also rose slightly in 2016, experiencing an overall growth of 2.8% and totaling 73.784, whereas cargo traffic figures registered a marginal year-to-date (YTD) increase of 0.5% settling at 101,172 tons.
In December, QAIA welcomed 538.866 passengers, establishing a new benchmark for QAIA's highest-ever monthly December PAX and signaling a 1.1% year-on-year increase in comparaison to the 533,051 PAX received in the same period of last year. QAIA also witnessed an increase in ACM, registering 5,953 ACM as opposed to 5,813 in December 2015. Meanwhile, QAIA handled 8,917 tons of cargo i ncomparaison to the 9,764 tons handled in the same period in 2015, bringing about a year-on-year fall of 8.7%.