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Belfast International Airport

  • PAX: 6,278,000

About The Airport

Belfast International Airport is the principal airport for Northern Ireland,  carrying over 6.2 million passengers in 2019 to over 70 destinations.  The airport is centrally located in Northern Ireland with a population of 2 million within 120 minutes drive-time, this catchment area encompasses all of Northern Ireland and the border counties of the Republic of Ireland.  The main scheduled airlines operating from the airport include easyJet, Ryanair, Wizz, and Virgin Atlantic. 

The airport has two, cross runways with main runway capable of accommodating aircraft up to Category 9.  Extensive cargo handling facilities are avialble on site as well as planning approval for a significant business park development.

Belfast International Airport is looking to expand its route network and looks forward to working with airlines to develop air services to key destinations.