Widerøe starts a new direct route to London

The new route will run directly between Bergen and London Southend on Mondays and Fridays.
This is good news for Westerners. The flight takes less than two hours, and there are now very good connections from much of Western Norway to London via Bergen.
- We are strengthening our focus on Bergen as a hub for traffic throughout the country, says Commercial Director Christian Skaug. - With this we build on the network Widerøe has developed in and around Bergen and Western Norway in recent years, Skaug continues. - We start cautiously, but if we see that the offer is well received, we will consider adding more weekly departures, Skaug concludes. The London route from Bergen will run twice a week, Monday and Friday and is already booked with prices starting from 599, -
Helge Eidsnes, airport director at Bergen Airport, Flesland welcomes the new route. -This news we think Westerners will appreciate. There are solid traditions for us in the West to travel to the UK, and London in particular. We see that London is an important hub for business in and around Bergen. And in addition, London is full of opportunities for adventure, culture, arts and shopping.
The route is served by Widerøe's most modern and environmentally friendly jet Embraer 190-E2 with 114 seats.
See Widerøe for more information about the direct route, and about the connections to the rest of Western Norway.
Remember to follow the Government's updated travel advice at regjeringen.no