Belfast's New Lord Mayor Arrives at Belfast City Airport

New Lord Mayor of Belfast, Councillor Nuala McAllister met with Chief Executive of Belfast City Airport Brian Ambrose for the first time in her new position. Each year, the newly-elected Lord Mayor is invited to Belfast City Airport to meet the team, have a tour and discuss the vital role of the airport.
Belfast City Airport welcomed the new Lord Mayor of Belfast, Councillor Nuala McAllister to meet with Chief Executive Brian Ambrose for the first time in her new position.
Each year the newly-elected Lord Mayor is invited to Belfast City Airport to meet the team, have a tour of the airport and discuss the vital role it plays for the economy in Northern Ireland.
Brian Ambrose said:
“At Belfast City Airport, we are a key economic and tourism driver for Belfast and Northern Ireland opening up more connections than ever before to Europe, north America and beyond.
“2017 has been a busy year at the airport. In April, we co-hosted one of the most successful Routes Europe conferences in Belfast. The conference has been shortlisted for the 2017 Best International Conference at the C&IT Awards, attracting over 1,200 delegates to Belfast in order to showcase the city and Northern Ireland. It was an excellent opportunity to forage new relationships with airlines, airports and local stakeholders.
“Following this, the Airport was shortlisted for a World Routes Marketing Award, announced as the Business in the Community Responsible Company of the Year 2017, and revealed as one of the UK’s top two airports for punctuality.”
Lord Mayor Nuala McAllister added:
“Belfast City Airport is a vital hub for leisure and business passengers, and is a fantastic gateway to Belfast and Northern Ireland.
“One of my main objectives for the year ahead is to promote ‘Global Belfast’ and to get a behind the scenes glance at one of the main gateways is really interesting – I can see how much teamwork is involved. It is teamwork which is needed as we promote Belfast as an open, inclusive and welcoming place to visit, live in and do business in and it is essential to have the support of our transport providers.
“Belfast City Airport has dedicated time and effort over the last number of years to develop a strong route network for passengers which enables us to strengthen the connection with our close neighbours and far friends.
“Alongside this, the airport leads the way in operating responsibly and has been recognised by Business in the Community for doing so. It invests time and financial support into the local community through a variety of projects, as well as providing apprenticeship and work experience programmes for young people.”
Brian concluded:
“As one of the biggest employers in east Belfast, with over 1,500 staff onsite, it is vital that we play a significant role in the community we serve and that we have an excellent relationship with the councillors, politicians and Lord Mayor of the city alongside our neighbours in greater Belfast and north Down.
“I am delighted to host Nuala at the airport on her first official visit and look forward to working with her throughout her term in office.”