Bratislava is the 4th best developed region in EU

The Czech Statistical Office informed, that Bratislava is the fourth most developed region in European Union and based on GDP per capita and in consideration with wages and prices, Bratislava beats Prague. Bratislava and its surrounding is the 4th best developed region in EU. The result of economy of Bratislava region calculated per 1 inhabitant reaches 188% of EU average. The only three regions with better result than Bratislava are Luxemburg, Hamburg and Brussels. Prague places 6th.
(source: SARIO Newsletter, 06/02/2018)
Slovakia´s A+ rating confirmed
Rating agency Fitch Ratings confirms Slovakia is „A+“ with stable outlook. „Slovakia´s ratings reflect its sound macro-economic performance, supported by sustained foreign capital inflows and EU and eurozone membership, „Fitch writes in its press release. The agency forecast this year´s GDP growth at 3,6%, increasing to 3,9% the following year. Further decrease of public debt is expected.
Fitch Ratings evaluation is consistent with Standard & Poor´s long term foreign-currency issuer default rating awarded to Slovakia in January.
(source: SARIO Newsletter 06/02/2018;