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Canberra Airport

  • PAX: 3,238,113

About The Airport

Canberra Airport’s goal is a simple but ambitious one – to be the best small airport in the world.

With a stunning, modern terminal, thriving business precincts and daily international flights, Canberra’s world-class airport is well on the way to achieving this goal.

Canberra Airport is managed by Capital Airport Group Pty. Ltd (CAG), which purchased the Airport from the Commonwealth Government in May 1998.

Formed initially by Canberra businessman Terry Snow and his son, Stephen Byron, the Capital Airport Group’s background was in the development of quality commercial properties in Canberra and Sydney.

From a small airport surrounded by sheep paddocks, CAG has transformed Canberra Airport to a thriving precinct. Today it comprises of the terminal, Fairbairn RAAF base, Brindabella Business Park and Majura Park, which includes Majura Park Shopping Centre, home to Australia’s largest Woolworths and Canberra’s only Costco.