From Athens to Athens of the North with Aegean Airlines

On Monday the 19th of June Aegean Airlines launched their inaugural flight from Edinburgh Airport to Athens International Airport. This service will operate twice weekly in the summer months, on Monday and Friday.
Photo Description: The inaugural flight from Athens landing in Edinburgh. Photo credit: edinburghaviation
Flight Details
The flight departs Edinburgh at 23:50 and arrives into Athens at 05:55 the following morning, from here; passengers can easily access the capital, and it also provides the quickest access to the Greek islands and mainland Greece.
The flight from Athens International to Edinburgh departs at 20:50 and arrives into Edinburgh at 23:05. Thanks to Edinburgh Airport’s strong transport links to both Edinburgh and beyond via tram, bus and rail, it truly is the gateway to Scotland. Passengers will have easy access to the delights of Scotland from the Airport, whether it’s visiting the city, often nicknamed ‘Athens of the North’ due to its architecture, or sampling Scottish whiskey or a visit to St. Andrews, The Home of Golf.
This flight route plays a continuing role in strengthening connectivity and tourism opportunities for Scotland and Greece. Over and above the domestic connections, this service offers a high number of connecting opportunities to cities in the neighbouring countries such as Cyprus and the Balkans.