COVID – 19 | Measures implemented at Portuguese Airports

ANA continues to constantly monitor developments in the situation, in close connection with the Health Authorities and the National Civil Aviation Authority.
ANA is totally committed to contributing to the national effort to mitigate the risks in order to better combat this pandemic, for the protection of its workers and passengers, so that everyone gets home well.
According to information released by the The Health Authority of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, all passengers who intend to travel to Madeira must complete the survey available online at the time of their reservation.
Additionally, all passengers, resident or not, who land at Madeira and Porto Santo airports, will be quarantined and in compulsory social isolation.
As a result of restrictive access measures to Madeira Airport, the Public Security Police will also promote the restriction of entry to airports to individuals who do not have a valid boarding pass or access card, or people who need to deal with issues directly related to their tickets, with the exception being made only for passengers who need accompaniment, e.g. children, the elderly or people with mobility difficulties.
ANA continues to constantly monitor developments in the situation, in close connection with the Health Authorities and the National Civil Aviation Authority.
ANA is totally committed to contributing to the national effort to mitigate the risks in order to better combat this pandemic, for the protection of its workers and passengers, so that everyone gets home well.
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COVID-19, caused by the new coronavirus, was classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11.