Over 30 thousand passengers on charter flights

Over 30 thousand people have already used holiday charters this year. Most passengers flew to Turkey - almost 20,000. There are 6 flights from Łódź to Antalya every week. A total of 8,500 people flew to the Greek islands, and almost 2,000 to Burgas in Bulgaria.
“Already halfway through the holidays, we have a better result than throughout the summer season in 2019, i.e. in the last year before the outbreak of the pandemic. We expect that by the end of the holiday season, i.e. by mid-October, we will exceed the 45-50 thousand passengers assumed at the beginning of the year. It will be the best holiday at the Łódź airport in 10 years,” says Robert Makowski, commercial director of Łódź Airport.
30,000 are only passengers of travel agencies who flew on a package holiday. Many people went on holiday from Lodz on their own, using the offer of low-cost airlines. The most popular are flights to Milan, Bergamo and Alicante.
When it comes to the total statistics of passengers on charter flights and regular connections, the airport in Łódź has already exceeded the number of 200 thousand travelers, and over 80 percent. of this number are passengers on scheduled flights.