Routes Europe 2023 in Łódź. Unforgettable moments
Dear Delegates, Business Partners, Colleagues and Friends!!
You came to Lodz from almost every place in Europe and many places in the world to spend a few days in our city during Routes Europe 2023. We are glad that Lodz - a city in the heart of Poland - was so attractive to you, that you were curious about it. We were very happy to host you and show you the most interesting places in our city. But the greatest joy gave us moving you around in time. You all, who travel on a daily basis, did not expect that in Lodz you experienced travel in time to the 19th century.
Glad we were able to take you there! It was a magical three days!
Thank you all very much!
Remember to come back to Łódź - to the last undiscovered city! You will always be warmly welcome here!