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Santa Claus is comming to ... Lodz
Ho ho ho! This year for the fourth time Lodz Airport organised charity event "Landing of Santa". In previous years we invited children to the...
Lodz Airport at
A short article that shows Lodz city and presents the main features of Lodz Airport.
Lodz Airport: Farawell to Routes Reconnected
First online #RoutesReconnected is almost completed! It was a challenging experience, but we were very happy to attend. It was a unique...
Lodz Airport at Routes Reconnected
The third day of meetings and talks.
Routes Reconnected Q&A: How Lodz is tackling the crisis
Anna Midera, president and CEO of Łódź Airport Central Poland, explains how big data is helping the airport to rebuild its network and discusses...
Routes Reconnected is coming to town!
Lodz Airport, as a future host of Routes Europe, will be present.
Lodz Airport: International students in Lodz
The University of Lodz is third in Poland in the number of foreign students.
Lodz Airport: Tourist industry in Poland - online conference
Leaders of main touroperators in Poland discussed the situation of the industry and plans for the future.
Lodz Airport: list of countries with a flight ban to Poland
From 11 November 2020, the new Regulation of the Council of Ministers comes into force. The document was published in the Journal of Laws.
Łódź (Central Poland) the best Business-Friendly city
10th annual EuropaProperty CEE Investment & Manufacturing Awards