Lisbon Airport keeps on working, training resilience. Ready for the upturn

LIS_IAOP Project Within the scope of the Single European Sky - an initiative aimed to strengthen safety standards and the overall efficiency of general air traffic in Europe, in which airports are included - several projects are planned to optimise the use of airport infrastructures
Lisbon Airport has the LIS_IAOP project underway, executed with European funding, through the INNOVATION AND NETWORKS EXECUTIVE AGENCY, INEA, under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport programme, with the implementation of an I-AOP (Initial Airport Operations Plan), scheduled for the end of this year, following the implementation of the Lisbon A-CDM, already fully integrated with the European air traffic network (Network Manager), since 2019.
The LIS-IAOP project, from the AF2 - Airport Integration and Throughput family, is justified as it is the natural continuation of the airside processes regarding aircraft rotation and take-off sequencing (A-CDM), to which the landside processes regarding passengers and baggage will be associated.
With this extended information sharing between Airport, Network Manager and Local Stakeholders, the aim is to increase the efficiency of operations based on an operational decision process, supported by a better knowledge of the constraints that may hinder expeditious traffic flows, such as adverse weather conditions, reduced capacity, difficulty in accessing the airport or other.