Minister commends Newquay Aerohub as one of the UK's most successful Enterprise Zones

Local Growth Minister Kris Hopkins visits the Aerohub
Local Growth Minister Kris Hopkins has made an official ministerial visit to Aerohub at Newquay Cornwall Airport, the successful aviation/aerospace Enterprise Zone, located on the state of the art civilian airport.
The Minister was introduced to representatives of a number of the leading companies that have located at Aerohub including Andrew Sangster, Managing Director of CIS UK Ltd, and Kevin Glenister, Site Manager for Apple Aviation.
The Minister officially opened CIS’ new facility at Aerohub and discussed the company’s ambitious growth plans. He also met with Apple Aviation and was introduced to a number of apprentices drawn from their innovative training programme.
Apple Aviation’s recently opened facility comprises a 25,000 square foot hanger for aircraft maintenance, repair, overhaul and recycling. The Minister watched Apple’s team prepare for the recycling of the first aircraft on their tear down facility.
The Minister also took the opportunity to discuss the future development of Aerohub with Chris Pomfret, Chairman of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership, Al Titterington, Managing Director of Cornwall Airport Limited, and Miles Carden, Enterprise Zone Manager at Cornwall Development Company.
Kris Hopkins, Local Growth Minister, commented: “Aerohub is one of 24 enterprise zones across England helping to create an economy driven by private sector growth. They are a key part of the Government’s long-term economic plan which aims to drive local and national growth. Since they started, enterprise zones have created over 9,000 jobs, attracted over 300 businesses and secured £1.2 billion of private sector investment.
“Aerohub, is an excellent example how this is happening in Cornwall, building on the local strengths to develop into a catalyst for the wider local economy. It is fantastic to see businesses choosing Newquay as their British base and winning new business in decommissioning aircraft. ”
Chris Pomfret, Chairman of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership, added: “Aerohub is a Cornish success story that has attracted, so far, six new businesses and created more than 150 jobs since 2012. Our longer-term aspiration is to unlock further growth of both the aerospace and space sectors in Cornwall. The Enterprise Zone is one of the largest development sites in the country and offers a unique combination of a long runway, plenty of land and open airspace. Our plans include the creation of an Institute for Advanced Technology that will pioneer industry-led training and help us create highly skilled well paid jobs.”
As England’s only aerospace focused Enterprise Zone, Aerohub covers 280 acres with ample development opportunities, including hangars, office space and a business park.