A record year: more than 4 million local passengers for the first time in 2017

Last year Nuremberg Airport set a new record for passenger numbers. With 700,000 additional passengers, the airport broke the 4 million mark for the first time since 2010. Until now it has only been possible to achieve this figure with transiting passengers.
This rapid development is mainly due to new routes and the expanded capacity of Eurowings, Germania, Ryanair and Wizz Air. A total of 18 new destinations were added last year. The flight schedule now includes over 60 non-stop destinations, which are regularly served by 17 different airlines. Gains were made in spite of the weakening Turkish market and the loss of long-term partners airberlin and NIKI: the number of passengers lost were more than compensated for.
Traffic increased by over 20 percent, resulting in a total of 4,186,962 passengers. This makes Nuremberg Airport one of Germany’s elite airports. The last time traffic increased by over 20% was in 1969 (25.9%), when the total number of passengers was less than 400,000.
“We can look back on an extremely successful year”, says Dr Michael Hupe, Managing Director of Nuremberg Airport. “In 2017 we managed to convince a large number of airlines of the benefits of our airport. “I’d like to thank our industry partners and especially our employees for their extraordinary commitment last year. We hope to replicate this success in 2018.”
Dr Hupe expects a comparable number of passengers this year. He sees the main goals as establishing the new routes and adapting the flight schedule to the requirements of the economy and people from the Nuremberg region.