NUEw Route Alert: Kavala from S25 onwards

City twinning at all levels: marabu flies twice a week from Nuremberg to Kavala from S25, supporting the city twinning that has existed for 25 years.
From 1 August 2025, marabu will fly twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays, from NUE to Kavala. This route is of particular importance for Nuremberg, as Kavala is a twin city of Nuremberg. This year, this town twinning celebrated its 25th anniversary.
The route is aimed in particular at VFR and leisure tourists. The Greek community is the second largest community of people with migration background in Nuremberg after the Turkish community and the VFR segment will therefore benefit greatly from the new route.
Nuremberg is twinned with 15 cities around the world. The links with these cities are of particular importance for the region. There are still twin cities such as Glasgow, Krakow and Venice that are not yet directly connected from Nuremberg Airport.
Marabu has been stationed at the airport with two aircraft since November. In S25, Marabu will fly non-stop to 12 destinations.