Sustainable Airport Master Plan Update

The Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP) is the blueprint for changes at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to meet future forecasted demand.
The SAMP includes Near-Term Projects that are planned for construction by 2027 and are the focus of the current environmental review process. The Port’s objective for the environmental review is to provide a thorough analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the Near-Term Projects, as well as a range of reasonable and feasible alternatives.
Based upon public feedback received during the environmental scoping period, the Port is taking action to incorporate additional topics into the review including, for example, analysis of public health related to air emissions. The Port is also updating SAMP’s operation and passenger demand forecast in recognition of the airport’s rapid growth over the last few years and will now complete the NEPA and SEPA analyses separately.
These factors have contributed to the need to extend the SAMP environmental review process. The new schedule anticipates that the public will be able to review and comment on the draft NEPA analysis at the end of 2020 and the draft SEPA analysis in the fall of 2021.
Visit the Port’s website for a more detailed SAMP schedule.