Fly Safe and Healthy at SEA

Travel is essential and it must be safe. That’s always been our philosophy at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA), and it continues to motivate us through these tough times.
In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, and working closely with our partners, we are committed to keeping our family — you, our employees, and our community —safe.
We support the Stay Home, Stay Healthy orders that have been working to help stop the spread. During this phase of the response, we experienced steep drop-offs in travel of more than 90 percent compared to this time last year.
Federal and state public health officials continue to advise that the community avoid non-essential travel; however, looking ahead to travel restrictions easing and the gradual increase in traffic we are using this time to prepare for the next phase of re-opening our economy.
Protocols that keep you safe
Our immediate actions include reconfiguring spaces to support physical distancing in queues, seating areas, and while moving through the terminal. Additionally, we continue frequent disinfections with medical-grade cleaning products that we launched several months ago. We added 230 hand sanitizer stations throughout the terminal for your use.
The next time you visit SEA you will see protocols that are designed to protect you and airport employees:
- All passengers, visitors, and workers in the public areas of SEA are required to wear face coverings starting on May 18
- Signage for reminders and spacing to honor physical distancing
- New plexiglass barriers that protect airport employees and travelers
We are also discussing new ways to protect you like touchless travel technologies and ultraviolet light cleaning. We are also evaluating emerging issues such as health screenings and temperature checks.
SEA Airport is part of a local, national, and international transportation network that millions of people depend upon. Ultimately, national protocols will yield the most consistent protections and reliable customer experience.
We are working with other airports and federal and local officials to design and implement the best public health protocols. Our goals to provide you a consistent, predictable, comprehensive, and scientifically-grounded approach to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In the meantime, the airport and our airline partners will continue to develop additional safety protocols like face coverings and physical distancing to protect our community and employees.
Here’s how passengers, employees, and the community can help stop the spread of COVID-19. We ask you to follow these guidelines to protect yourself, your fellow travelers and airport employees, including:
- Maintain your distance and stay six feet (or two meters) apart from others
- Practice physical distancing with no more than four in an elevator, less than 10 in a train car, and by using every fourth step on escalators
- Wear cloth face coverings to help slow the spread of germs
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
- Stay home when you are sick. And get better soon!
We’re in this together. We know there’s a lot of work ahead for us and our partners to earn your confidence. We are committed to doing our best to protect you from COVID-19 in our airport. We also rely on your help by being conscious of how your actions affect your fellow travelers and SEA employees. We are optimistic, so we are hard at work planning for a busier terminal and better times ahead.
In the meantime, download the SEA Airport App and follow us on social media with #FlyHealthySEA. Our customer care team is here to answer your questions. Tweet or DM us with a question.
We miss you and can’t wait to see you again. We will be ready.