Lean Initiatives Proving To Be Effective In Optimising Operational Efficiency And Services At Kl International Airport

30th January 2019 -SEPANG – Beginning 2018, Malaysia Airports has started to embrace the Lean Six Sigma (Lean) methodology in our operations especially in initiatives that are expected to improve passenger flow through the airport. These have proven effective especially in optimising our operational and service efficiency. Lean is a methodology that can be applied to various disciplines namely terminal operations, landside management, airside management, customer experience management and security screening.
To date, 139 Lean initiatives have been identified of which, 90% have been implemented. These initiatives include improving wayfinding, reducing queue time, reducing congestion, providing helpful information to passengers at critical touchpoints, and improving maintenance.
According to Malaysia Airports group chief executive officer (GCEO) Raja Azmi Raja Nazuddin, these initiatives have resulted in both tangible and intangible benefits to the airports guests and stakeholders. “For example, we were able to alleviate passenger anxiety while queueing at immigration by introducing the queue time indicator so that passengers are able to gauge the time for them to clear the immigration process. In addition, the introduction of the snake queue system had also helped smoothen the flow of the queue. Data has shown that by applying Lean methodologies we achieved our target at almost 90% of the time with the average queue time at immigration being 10 minutes for departure and 15 minutes for arrival.”
“Another good example is speeding up the security screening queue by providing helpful information to passengers regarding the security screening process. By going through the Lean process, we found that one of the issues was that passengers lack the awareness in the procedures and the list of prohibited items when going through the security checkpoint. This inefficiency has led to inconveniencing the passengers when they need to go through the screening twice. By the simple expedient of putting up the information on digital screens near the security checkpoint, it had reduced the number of passengers that needed to be re-screened from 40% to 10%, thus making the process faster for everyone in the queue.”
“Many of the Lean initiatives came about as a result passenger feedback such as the difficulty of finding their way around the terminal. So, we implemented several initiatives to address this such as installing giant signages and floor stickers for better visibility, and adding three other languages – Mandarin, Japanese and Arabic – at immigration arrival for the benefit of non-English speaking passengers.”
He also explained that embracing Lean methodologies means ensuring that staff are fully trained in this area. Training was given to staff across all divisions, not only to those responsible for terminal operations and maintenance but also the front-liners who act as eyes and ears on the ground. There are currently 64 Lean Six Sigma practitioners in the organisation who are constantly looking at all service improvement and innovation opportunities at our airports.
Raja Azmi believes that the best indicator of success would be from the airport guests themselves. A key measurement in guest satisfaction is the Airport Service Quality (ASQ) survey score by Airports Council International (ACI), an international organisation that represents airports around the world. ASQ is a global passenger service benchmarking programme. He said, “Preliminary ASQ results has shown that we scored 4.7 out of 5 which is an improvement over 2017 score of 4.5. I am confident that the official score announced in February will reflect the preliminary results.”
Malaysia Airports will continue in our Lean efforts for the benefit of all our airport guests. For updates on our Lean initiatives, follow us at #1improvement1week on our social media platforms Twitter (@MY_Airports), Facebook (@malaysiaairports) and Instagram (@malaysiaairports); and learn what the team is doing to make your experience at the airport a better one. Feel free to also drop us suggestions at CARE@malaysiaairports.com.my. We would love to hear from you.