Malaysia Airports Encourages Staff to Mind Safety, Health And Environment

Malaysia Airports kicks off 2010 by further promoting to its staff the importance of ensuring safety, preserving health and conserving environment with the launching of Safety, Health and Environment Campaign 2010.
KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia Airports kicks off 2010 by further promoting to its staff the importance of ensuring safety, preserving health and conserving environment with the launching of Safety, Health and Environment Campaign 2010.
Themed "The Safe Way is The Only Way", the inaugural campaign organised by Safety, Health and Environment Department, MAHB will feature annually in the Company's calendar as a commitment to ensure the highest level of safety at airports under its management and also to fully comply with the Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA) 1994, Environmental Quality Act 1974 and ICAO Safety Management System.
The campaign was launched today by Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, Chairman of National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Tan Sri Aris Othman, Chairman of Malaysia Airports who was present at the launch said: "Malaysia Airports aims to improve operations in a manner that protects the environment, and the health and safety of its employees and also the public. We encourage our workforce to be tactful in their daily work, to ensure it benefit not only themselves, but ultimately their surroundings as a whole."
To help in delivering the message of valuing safety, health and environment, Malaysia Airports has arranged few related activities such as booth exhibition, health screening, health talk by Selangor Medical Centre, recycle waste program and slogan and logo contest for the campaign.
Amongst the programs initiated in conjunction with the campaign include blood donations drive, where 20 airports managed by Malaysia Airports are taking part, including KL International Airport (KLIA) on 19th and 20th January 2010. The objective of the blood campaign is to overcome shortage of blood supply by encouraging public to donate blood at the nearest airports.
"We would like to help elevate the supply of blood in Tabung Darah Negara by providing the platform to encourage public to donate blood at the nearest airport, said Tan Sri Aris.
In his speech, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said: "Making the workplace safe is a joint responsibility of both the employers and the workers. Thus, training employees is the key to achieving a successful safety programme and management must be committed to invest in safety."
He also said: "While the government and its agencies provide the leadership, legislation and guidelines, it is the employers who have to take the lead. As safety and health at work is everybody's responsibility, the employees and their "union" must also give the vital support to employers' effort in the promotion of OSH."
At the launching ceremony, 16 Malaysia Airports' staff received their First Aid Trainer Competency Certificate from Academy of Safety and Emergency Care, becoming the first 16 certified first aider trainers for the airport operator.
Kuching, Penang and Langkawi International Airports were also presented with the OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series) & ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) certifications from SIRIM.
The OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series) acknowledges the pro-active control of occupational safety and health risk enabling the organization to improve its health and safety related performance. ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) certifies the Company's support of environmental protection and pollution prevention management while promoting social and economic harmony.
In 2008, Malaysia Airports signed an agreement with National Institute of Safety and Health (NIOSH) to initiate the Malaysia Airports-NIOSH Safety Passport System Program Development. The program objectives were to create and develop curriculum and training module, learning guidance and module evaluation of Occupational Safety and Health Induction Course for Contractors, Suppliers, Tenants and all agencies working in Malaysia Airports' compound.
Malaysia Airports will always remain committed to a continuous improvement process for safety, health, and environmental management.