Turin Airport obtains the Certificate - Level 1 of the Airport Carbon Accreditation Protocol for environmental sustainability

Turin Airport has been certified in Level 1 (Mapping) of the "Airport Carbon Accreditation" environmental sustainability program - the common framework for the active management of emissions in airports through measurable results - promoted by ACI Europe, the association of European airports.
The initiative, which aims to improve the environmental sustainability of European airports through coordinated actions to protect the environment, reduce energy consumption and combat CO2 emissions produced by the airports in the atmosphere, foresees four different levels: mapping, reduction, optimization and neutralization of emissions.
Level 1 consists of processing the Carbon Footprint, ie the conversion into CO2 equivalent of the energy resources used by the airport. This will allow later to identify actions aimed at reducing emissions.
Therefore SAGAT continues the sustainability path already started in 2012 with the ISO 50001 certification of the Energy Management System and continued with the certification of the Environmental Management System, confirming the attention for the protection of the environment and the commitment to improve energy efficiency.
For more information: www.airportcarbonaccreditation.org
SAGAT S.p.A. - Società Gestione Azionaria Aeroporto Torino:
Francesca Soncini Communication Director
011 5676 377