Ryanair, today the new Turin-Bristol route

Caselle Torinese, 14th of December 2019 – It starts today the new Ryanair route from Turin to Bristol, in the United Kingdom. The new route will be served by the Irish airline on a weekly basis, with operating every Saturday until March 28, 2020.
The departure of the flight from Bristol is scheduled at 3:15 pm with arrival in Turin at 6:10 pm; the depart to Great Britain is planned at 6:35 pm, arriving in Bristol at 7:30 pm (local time).
The new route has been designed primarily in an incoming perspective, to serve the traffic of skiers who choose the Italian North-West Alps to spend their ski holidays and promotes Turin as an ideal destination for winter sports for visitors from the United Kingdom.
At the same time, the Turin-Bristol flight allows Piedmontese travelers to visit the British destination, designated by UNESCO in 2017 as Film City.
A place rich in culture and where 11 film festivals are held each year, Bristol is also the gateway to southwestern England, where major tourist destinations are found such as the city of Bath.
Andrea Andorno, Chief Executive Officer of Torino Airport said: “The connection from Bristol has a strong incoming value: the new flight meets the travel needs of British visitors, who increasingly choose Italian ski resorts for their winter holidays and our vocation as a snow Airport, due to our proximity to first-class ski locations, certainly satisfies this kind of demand”.
Chiara Ravara, Head of Sales and Marketing of Ryanair said: “Ryanair is pleased to announce the new route that will connect Turin with Bristol, in the United Kingdom, and which will operate weekly, as part of the 2019-2020 winter operation from Turin. Travelers leaving from Turin can now book a flight to Bristol until March 2020.
Furthermore, our investment in this new route will help to position Turin as the perfect destination for travelers departing from the UK - as well as promoting the Piedmont region as an ideal ski destination, with hundreds of km of slopes”.
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